Admiralty Courts 1199 to 1835 - Feb 1965

An 18th Centuary post bag - 1961

Boldre Church - Sept 1963

Brockenhurst Grammar School - 1965

Family affairs in Queen Annes reign - November 1955

Gossip about Boldre - January 1955

History of Lymington Hospital - Feb 1967

Hurst Spit and Castle notes from a lecture and tour - Sept 1969

Illustrations of Lymington's Maritime Trade - 1958

Interesting facts disclosed in record society talk - 1964

Local place names their interest and meaning - March 1959

Lymington Corporation in the 19th Century - April 1959

Lymington Parish Church - March 1954

Lymington Records from the Vestry books - February 1955

Lymington Vs The Tollbridge 1738 - February 1958

Lymingtons history...from sources in London - September 1962

Mediaeval place names of the borough area - February 1954

Old days in Milford - October 1956

Petersons Tower and the New Forest Shakers - 1958

Public life in Lymington a century ago - April 1963

Some Lymington Inns - January 1955

Some notes about the Lymington river and yachting - October 1968

Some Old Houses in Lymington - October 1952

St Malo Privateers - June 1967

The dawning of catholic emancipation in Lymington - February 1959

The first Lymington poorhouse - September 1958

The history of Beaulieu church - Feb 1962

The history of Pylewell - November 1961

The history of the baptists in Lymington - November 1958

The history of the Lymington Schools - February 1960

The hustings in Lymington - March 1956

The links between Lymington and Southampton - April 1961

The Links between Quarr Abbey and the Lymington District - March 1960

The Lymington Congregational Story - December 1959

The Lymington Railway Centenary - 1958

The Manor of Lymington - March 1957

The Reformation in Hampshire - October 1969

The Salterns of Lymington Milford and Hordle - Sept 1964

The St Barbe family - 1953

The story of an old business. King's. - September 1960